METODI - Methods
L'analisi del TOC è citata e regolamentata dai seguenti metodi ufficiali:
the TOC analysis is mentioned and regulated by the following methods:
Norme ISO CEN ufficiali - ISO CEN 1484 - che descrivono
come deve essere fatta la determinazione del TOC nelle acque di
scarico e superficiali
The official European guideline and methodology
for TOC analysis in surface and waste water ISO/CEN
April 1997 -
Suggestion as a a CEN Enquiry drawn
up by Tecnical Committee CEN/TC292 "Characterization of waste "-by NNI
(...for the detemination of Organic in waste... and may be used for assessing the
suitability of waste for landfilling ,,, two methods are given for the TOC in undried
waste sample. . .)
1995 UNICHIM - ITALY Methods 944 - Acque destinate al consumo Umano.Determinazione del TOC (water to be used for human consumption. Measurement of TOC)
IRSA ( Istituto Ricerca sulle Acque) Italy method 5040 Carbonio Organico - metodi previsti dalla Legge 10 Maggio 1976 nr.319 e dal D.L. 25 gennaio 1992 nr.130 ( Organic Carbon- Method as requestd in the law 10 May 76 nr.319 and D.L. nr.130 25 Jan 92))
Standard Method
5310A Introduction on TOC analysis
( Organic Carbon in water and
waste water is composed of a variety of Organics compounds in various oxidation states.
Some of those Organics may be oxidized further by biochemical or chemical process and then
Biological Oxygen Demand -BOD- and Chemical Oxygen Demand-COD- can be used to charaterized
these fractions. . . TOC is more conveniente to either BOD and COD but does not provide
the same kind of informations. If a repeatable empirical relationship is estabilished
between TOC and COD and BOD, then TOC can be used for estimate also BOD and COD...)
Standard Method 5310B. Combustion - infrared method. (It is used for a wide variety of samples, but its accuracy is dependent on particle size reduction because it uses smma orifice syrenges . . . . sample is homogenized and diluted. . . a microportion in injected in a heated reaction chamber ( 900°C ) packed with an oxydant catalyst such as Cobalt Oxide. . . the CO2 from oxidation of Organic and Inorganic carbon is transported in to a ND IR.. . . TOC is determined by difference of TC - IC. . . minimum detectable concentration 1 mg/L C. . .)
Standard Method 5310C. Wet oxidation method ( ... persulfate oxidation of organic carbon . . . by heat or UV activation of the reagents . . . it is rapid, precise . . . for trace levels of Organic in water. . . CO2 generated is measured by NDIR. . . minimum concentration is 0,05 mg(L C but scrupulous attention is given to minimizing sample contamination and method background . . .
Standard Method 5310D Wet oxidation method ( ... persulfate oxidation of organic carbon . . . by heat . . . and NDIR detection. . . is suitable for the analysis of water, water suspended sediment mixture, brines, and waste water containing at least 0,1 mg/L C as non Purgeable Organic NPOC. . .)
EPA 415.1 ( Combustion or Oxidation)
EPA 415.2 Organic Carbon, Low level - UV promoted persulfate oxidation ( ...covers determination of Organic Carbons in drinking watersd other waters . . . is applicable forcarbonaceus matter of particle size of 0,2 mm or less. . . in a range from o,o50 to 10 mg/L C. . . )
EPA 9060 ..
ASTM D4839 :Total Carbon and Organic Carbon in Water by UltraViolet or Persulfate Oxidation, or both and Infrared Detection (This method was made in 1988, it is about TC,IC,TOC in water, waste water and sea water in the range 0,1 mg/L to 4,000 mg/L of C.........)
ASTM D4779: Total, Organic and Inorganic Carbon in High Purity WaterWater by UltraViolet (UV) or Persulfate Oxidation, or both and Infrared Detection (This method was made in 1988, it is about TC,IC,OC in makeup water, high purity process water such as demineralizer effluent, condensate, and electronic grade rinse water. The tested concentration ranges is from 50 to 1,000 micrograms/L of C.........)
ASTM D4129
ASTM D2579 Total and Organic Varbon in water (This method was made in 1985, modified in 1989 and cover the determination of total and Organic Carbon in water, waste water, including brackish waters and brines. Are included the method A:Oxidation-Infrared Detection and Method B- reduction- FI detection)
AOAC 973.47.
1983 DIN 38 409 German standard method for the examination of water, waste water and sludge. General measures of effects and substances (gropup H); determination of TOC (TOC H3)
ISO 8245 Guidelines for the detemination of TOC ( 1987)
Her Majesty's Stationary Office (UK) The Instrumental Determination of Total Organic Carbon, Total Oxygen demand and Related Determinants (1979)
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